Economic Strengthening for Sustainable Return to Kosovo

Economic Strengthening for Sustainable Return to Kosovo

CARE has successfully implemented the EU funded project "Economic Strengthening for Sustainable Return to Kosovo*" project in cooperation with partner organisation @NVO Nexus Vranje. The project supported 98 small businesses [...]

CARE has successfully implemented the EU funded project “Economic Strengthening for Sustainable Return to Kosovo*” project in cooperation with partner organisation @NVO Nexus Vranje. The project supported 98 small businesses while 25 beneficiaries attended professional development trainings, 90 beneficiaries participated in the entrepreneurship support educational program and 45 beneficiaries used mentoring services to support entrepreneurship.

#EU #CARE #NEXUS #Return

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/99 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence