In cooperation with 10 local partner organisations from the region CARE is implementing project „Containing the spreading and mitigating the most severe negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic among marginalized communities in the Western Balkans“, shorter name CARE FOR Western Balkans response to COVID-19, funded by the Federal Republic of Germany.
The project will assit targeted communities to mitigate risks and address consequences of COVID-19 pandemic by deliverig hygiene packages, lifesaving and economic assitance to the most vulnerable population groups and individuals.
Furthermore, the project will conduct an information campaign to raise awareness on risks and prevention of COVID-19 virus and provide information on available resources and assitance.
The project is being implemented in cooperation with ten local NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina (4), Serbia (3), Kosovo (1), Montenegro (1), North Macedonia (1).
#CareResponseToCovid19 #CARE
#HumanityWinsCovid19Reality #B

Containing negative consequences of the COVID-19 in the WB
In cooperation with 10 local partner organisations from the region CARE is implementing project „Containing the spreading and mitigating the most severe negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic among marginalized [...]