Empowering Women in Kosovo’s Agribusiness: IWKA Project Highlights

Empowering Women in Kosovo’s Agribusiness: IWKA Project Highlights

Pristina, Kosovo — The IWKA project, “Involving Women in Kosovo’s Agribusiness,” has made notable progress over recent months, with a variety of activities focused on enhancing the personal and professional [...]

Pristina, Kosovo — The IWKA project, “Involving Women in Kosovo’s Agribusiness,” has made notable progress over recent months, with a variety of activities focused on enhancing the personal and professional development of its participants.

This initiative, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Economic Development (BMZ) through Engagement Global GgmbH, is carried out by CARE International in partnership with Kosovo-Women 4 Women (K-W4W) and the Program for Civil Rights in Kosovo (CRP/K).

Women’s Club: A Space for Empowerment and Networking

One of the key elements of the IWKA project, the Women’s Club, has created a supportive environment for women to communicate, share experiences, and build strong networks. So far, 24 meetings have been held, offering women a chance to connect and support each other. One participant remarked, “Women’s clubs provide opportunities for networking and socializing among members, fostering friendships and professional connections.”

These gatherings have not only strengthened personal relationships but have also promoted professional development, helping women to take on more active roles in their communities and in the agribusiness sector.

Men’s Club: Promoting Gender Support

In addition, the project has started the Men’s Club, which aims to involve men in discussions about supporting women and promoting gender equality. With 12 meetings held so far, this platform encourages spouses, brothers, and relatives of the participants to engage in conversations and share ideas on how best to support the women in their lives. This inclusive approach highlights the importance of working together to achieve social change and gender equality.

Looking Ahead

The IWKA project continues to pave the way for a more inclusive and supportive agribusiness environment in Kosovo. By facilitating these clubs and other initiatives, the project not only empowers women but also strengthens community bonds and mutual support. As the project moves forward, it is set to further improve the socio-economic landscape of Kosovo by nurturing the talents and potential of its women.

For more information on the IWKA project and its ongoing activities, visit CARE International and Kosovo-Women 4 Women.