Four information sessions concerning the grant scheme for start-up of agricultural businesses of women from rural areas, with more than 70 participants, were held in Pristina, Gracanica, Junik and Ferizaj/Urosevac in the period 12-16 September within the project “Inclusion of Women in Kosovo Agrobusiness – IWKA”.
The participants from the project target regions had the opportunity to inquire about the application process, rules and conditions for receiving financial support for the initiation of their agribusiness.

The project “Inclusion of Women in Kosovo Agrobusiness – IWKA” is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Economic Development (BMZ) through Engagement Global GgmbH, and implemented by CARE International and local partner organizations: Kosovo-Women 4 Women (K-W4W) and the Civil Right Program Kosovo (CRPK).