The official ceremony for the start of the implementation of the project “Socio-Economic Inclusion in Brčko District BiH” will be held on December 15, 2023 in Brčko.
The project is a collaborative effort between the Czech Development Agency, the Government of Brčko District BiH/Development and Guarantee Fund of Brčko District BIH, and CARE International. This initiative aims to increase social inclusion and create sustainable employment opportunities, with a particular focus on marginalized and vulnerable population groups. The ceremony will witness the signing of Memoranda of Understanding among key partners.
Financial support from the Czech Development Agency, as part of the development cooperation between the Czech Republic and Bosnia and Herzegovina, will be highlighted as crucial backing for the project.
The project’s goal is clear – to enhance employment capacities, support entrepreneurial activities, and create a conducive environment for comprehensive economic development in Brčko District BiH.
This event signifies a significant step toward achieving social inclusion and creating a sustainable future for the community in Brčko District BiH.

#CzechRepublicDevelopmentCooperation #CzechAid #CeskaRepublikaPomaha #CAREBalkans #RGFB