Barack Obama: Let’s redecitate ourselves to CARE’s mission – saving lives, defeating poverty and achieving social justice!

Barack Obama: Let’s redecitate ourselves to CARE’s mission – saving lives, defeating poverty and achieving…

Former US President Barack Obama, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the CARE operation in the US, called everyone for solidarity and empathy. „The challenges we face today [...]

Former US President Barack Obama, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the CARE operation in the US, called everyone for solidarity and empathy.

„The challenges we face today are different than the ones facing Europe 75 years ago. But we have the same obligation to help those in need. So let’s do what we can for one another. And redecitate ourselves to CARE’s mission; saving lives defeating poverty and achieving social justice. It couldn’t be more important”, said Obama.

CARE was set up in the USA in 1945 under the name Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe to respond to the devastation and scarcity World War 2 had wrought. Originally, Americans paid $10 to send a ‘CARE package’, containing food and supplies, to someone in Europe.

CARE has grown a lot in 75 years – now working in 100 countries to find long-term solutions to poverty and to support women and girls to overcome inequality – but the spirit of human kindness, present in those first CARE packages all that time ago, remains at the heart of everything we do.