CARE and ADA started new project to alleviate the humanitarian consequences of the COVID 19 crisis in 6 West-Balkan countries

CARE and ADA started new project to alleviate the humanitarian consequences of the COVID 19…

CARE International Balkans in next two-years, thanks to funds of Austrian Development Agency (with funds of Austrian Development Cooperation), will implement project “CONEX Balkan: Covid-19 Nexus response for improving the [...]

CARE International Balkans in next two-years, thanks to funds of Austrian Development Agency (with funds of Austrian Development Cooperation), will implement project “CONEX Balkan: Covid-19 Nexus response for improving the socio-economic situation of marginalized people in 6 Western Balkan countries“, with aim to contribute to alleviate the humanitarian consequences of the COVID 19.

The COVID-19 crisis has disproportionately affected those groups that already faced social and economic exclusion and vulnerabilities before the crisis, namely older people, unemployed women and people with disabilities.

The key problems the project will address are the lack of food, medication and other essential supplies, the deterioration of economic conditions, and the isolation and lack of access to social services. CARE is part of a consortium who will collaborate to address the needs and rights of older persons, women, persons with disabilities and other marginalised people. CARE will be active in Serbia as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As it is already said, project will be impemented in 6 countries, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia with total budget of € 2.104.999.

Partner Organisations on this project are Caritas, Red Cross, Diakonie, KHCS Mother Teresa, Philanthropy, Budućnost, “NEXUS – Vranje”, Otaharin, „AGROPLAN“, EKO-BUDUĆNOST”.