Round table on contract farming was held on March 9th in North Macedonia

Round table on contract farming was held on March 9th in North Macedonia

To enforce linkages between the processing companies and agricultural cooperatives/farmers in the effort to ensure sustainability and guaranteed prices, CARE’s project Support to more competitive and sustainable agriculture in North [...]

To enforce linkages between the processing companies and agricultural cooperatives/farmers in the effort to ensure sustainability and guaranteed prices, CARE’s project Support to more competitive and sustainable agriculture in North Macedonia organized a Round Table in Strumica, on March 9 2022.

The Round Table was participated by 11 largest processing companies in North Macedonia and 8 agricultural cooperatives/farmers producing vegetables, who agreed on close follow up of mutual activities and interest.

Contract farming is becoming an increasingly important aspect of agribusiness, whether the products are purchased by multinational or by smaller companies, government agencies, farmer cooperatives or individual entrepreneurs.

The project Support to more competitive and sustainable agriculture in North Macedonia is financially supported by the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia.