More than 2,200 trees were planted in North Macedonia, within a campaign Plant the Future, organized by CARE International and Macedonian Association of Agricultural Cooperatives.
Ten agricultural cooperatives from Bitola, Resen, Strumica, Radovis, Sveti Nikole, Valandovo, Gevgelija and their mobilized communities took part in the planting campaign, raising awareness among the citizens on increasing and maintaining green areas as the only option for dealing with pollution and environment protection.
Agricultural cooperatives presented themselves as socially responsible organizations, contributing to establishment of a mass and long-term campaign for “purification” of the ‘’airwaves’’ and ‘’bloodstream’’ of the local communities. Particular attention was paid to including youth from the target communities in planting, as agents for the responsible attitude towards environmental issues and climate change.
This initiative was organized within the project Supporting a More Competitive and Sustainable Agriculture in North Macedoniaimplemented by CARE with financial support from North Rhine-Westphalia.