Within the project Kosovo Youth Participation- KYP which is funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo and co-financed by the CARE Deutschland e.V., the project team has held meetings with representatives of Directories of Culture, Youth and Sports (DCYS) and with the Employments Offices (EO) in the eight municipalities targeted by the project: Deçan/Dečani, Fushë Kosova/Kosovo Polje, Gjakova/Đakovica, Junik/Junik, Obiliq/Obilić, Peja/Peć, Rahovec/Orhaovac and Suharekë/Suva Reka.

Local institutions have been informed with objectives of the project KYP and the modalities of cooperation were discussed in order for the youth of the respective municipalities to benefit from the KYP project.
The youth (age 15-25) from targeted municipalities will have the opportunity to benefit from the following main components:
- Increasing their participation in decision making, in local communities and on the central level.
- Enhance the engagement and employability of marginalized youth, in particular young women, through skills development and involvement in volunteering initiatives.
- Foster Democratic dialogue across Kosovo youth through raised awareness on and promotion of gender equality, solidarity, inter-cultural relations and counter stereotypes and dis-information.
Throughout the meetings all the representatives of the local level institutions agreed and welcomed the initiative to cooperate in order to achieve the objectives that will benefit the citizens of respective municipalities.
This news was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of CARE International, Office in Kosovo and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.