Marija, a determined and passionate woman from the village of Livade, has always been fascinated by the earth’s hidden treasures – onions and garlic.
Her dedication to quality and sustainability paid off as her products thrived. The equipment received from CARE allowed her to expand her business, becoming known for producing some of the finest onions and garlic in her village and transforming her life, but also igniting a spark of entrepreneurship in her community.
With the grant in hand, Marija had the resources needed to turn her family’s modest land into a thriving onion and garlic plantation. She invested in seeds, advanced irrigation systems, and the tools necessary to cultivate her selected crops.

Maria’s farm was not only a source of livelihood for her family, but also an inspiration and hope for others in her community. Her story was proof that with determination and the right support, one could achieve remarkable success. With this grant she will employ her neighbors, which will reduce unemployment in her village and also contribute to the economic stability of her extended family.
Marija said: “I am very proud of my work and my contribution to my family. The support with the agriculture machinery to extract onions from the ground came in handy because that’s how we expanded our business and our production has increased four times. Those machines I’ve received from CARE mean a lot to me because they will make my work easier.”

Marija was supported by the IWKA project with an in-kind grant of 10,000 EUR with garlic/onion extracting equipment, a garlic peeler and cleaner, a trailer for transportation of the products, and other necessary equipment to prepare the land for harvesting. She now cultivates garlic and onions in her village Livade, Graçanica/Gračanica Municipality.
The project “Inclusion of Women in Kosovo Agribusiness – IWKA” is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Economic Development (BMZ) through Engagement Global gGmbH, and implemented by CARE International and local partner organizations: Kosovo-Women 4 Women (K-W4W) and the Civil Right Program Kosovo (CRP/K).