Future for You(th): Young People as Leaders of Life Skills Education in the Balkans Capacity building of partner organizations in the field of strategic and smart advocacy Belgrade, 23th  – 26th February 2022

Future for You(th): Young People as Leaders of Life Skills Education in the Balkans Capacity building…

Aim of this three-day training is raising capacities of the partners organizations in the field of advocacy and creation of the publish influences in project, initiatives, and advocacy actions. Identification [...]

Aim of this three-day training is raising capacities of the partners organizations in the field of advocacy and creation of the publish influences in project, initiatives, and advocacy actions. Identification of the advocacy goals, development of the advocacy plans, identification of the decision makers, networking, and creation of the advocacy partnership… are topic covered by this training. More than 15 participants from 8 partners organizations are present on this training.

This is one of the activities, of the increasing skills, competencies and capacities of the partner organizations included in YMI Program. 

The program is supported by Austrian Development Agency Development Agency, through project “Future for You(th): Young people as Leaders of Life Skills Education in the Balkans”; Swiss Development Cooperation through project “Young Men Initiative (YMI): Promoting Healthier Lifestyles and Decrease of Interpersonal Violence among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes Phase III”; and Oak Foundation and CARE Germany for the project “Young People as Future Leaders for Promotion of Life Skills (YMI III)”. More about the YMI program at: https://youngmeninitiative.net/en/#YMI#CareInternational#CARE#ProgramY#SwitzerlanduBiH#AustrianDevelopmentAgency#OakFoundation#SwitzerlanduBiH