Category: News

An insightful discussion occurred at the KYP project Closing Conference, with the topic: “Youth Participation:…
We were honored to have distinguished panelists at the KYP project Closing Conference, with the topic: “Youth Participation: Opportunities and Outlook Beyond 2024”. The panelist were: Kushtrim Canolli, Senior Policy [...]
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CARE International Hosts Closing Conference for EU-funded Kosovo Youth Participation – KYP Project
CARE International is proud to announce the conclusion of the Closing Conference for the Kosovo Youth Participation (KYP) project, held on 10th July 2024. The event gathered key stakeholders, including [...]
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Nikšić: Članovi i članice Projektnog i Savjetodavnog tima posjetili IPC Tehnopolis s ciljem primjene pozitivnih…
Članovi i članice Projektnog i Savjetodavnog tima kojeg činepredstavnici CARE International i Razvojno-garantnogfonda Brčko distrikta BiH, javnih službi i institucija Brčko distrikta BiH boravili su u Nikšiću od 18. do 20. [...]
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Empowering Women in Kosovo’s Agribusiness: IWKA Project Highlights
Pristina, Kosovo — The IWKA project, “Involving Women in Kosovo’s Agribusiness,” has made notable progress over recent months, with a variety of activities focused on enhancing the personal and professional [...]
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Realizovana dvodnevna edukacija nevladinih organizacija u okviru projekat Socio-ekonomske inkluzija u Brčko Distriktu BiH
CARE International i Razvojno-garantni fond Brčko distrikta BiH u okviru projekta Socio-ekonomska inkluzija u Brčko distriktu BiH, koji finansira Vlada Republike Češke su juče okončali dvodnevnu edukaciju sa predstavnicima nevladinog [...]
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U Brčkom potpisan ugovor o realizaciji projekta „Socio-ekonomska inkluzija u Brčko distriktu BiH“ za 2024.…
CARE International i Razvojno garantni – fond Brčko distrikta BiH (RGFBD) u cilju implementacije projekta „Socio- ekonomska inkluzija u Brčko Distriktu BiH“ koji finansira Vlada Republike Češke potpisali su jučer [...]
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OTVORENI JAVNI POZIV ZA NVO-e za učešće u projektu “Socio-ekonomska inkluzivna inicijativa“
CARE International i partnerska institucija Razvojno-garantni fond Brčko Distrikta (RGFBD) pozivaju nevladine organizacije registrovane u Brčko Distriktu BiH uključene u rad sa socio-ekonomsko ugroženim i ranjivim kategorijama građana, da se [...]
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CARE supports 25 women from Kosovo to initiate businesses in agriculture
Within the framework of the project “IWKA – Including Women in Kosovo’s Agribusiness”, 25 women as grant beneficiaries signed the contract to support them in establishing businesses in agriculture. These [...]
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CARE Celebrates 30 Years of Work in the Balkans
CARE International Balkans has marked 30th anniversary of its work in the region. Partners, staff and allies from all regions where CARE carries out its missions gathered in Sarajevo to [...]
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Empowering Women in Agriculture: Makfire’s Journey of Transformation
Makfire and her family in the serenity of the village Gaçke, embarked on a remarkable journey that combined their love for agriculture, commitment to sustainability, and the support of CARE’s [...]
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