Category: Research and Reports

Women s Economic Empowerment CARE International Balkans
According to the data of the Employment Agency, in 2017, over 49.570 Montenegro men and women have been registered as unemployed, which is 12% of total work capable population. Unemployment [...]
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SDC Baseline Evaluation Report
The project’s overall goal is to increase the uptake of healthy, nonviolent and gender equitable lifestyles among young men and women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The overall objective of the [...]
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Gender Sensitization Manual on Media Reporting
One of the most enduring prejudices in most societies is the gender disparity reflected in the socio-economic and political spheres of life, which limit the types of roles and responsibilities [...]
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Guidelines for Monitoring the Implementation of the National Action Plans for Roma Inclusion
These guidelines were developed within the framework of the EU-funded project “Support to National Action Plans for Roma Inclusion” (EC/BIH/CFT/09/005) that is being implemented by CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg in cooperation with [...]
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Program T – A Manual for Engaging Men in Fatherhood, Caregiving, and Maternal and Child…
Program T (“T” for “Tata” BHS languages meaning “Father”) is a direct and targeted response to the need for concrete strategies and action steps to engage men in active fatherhood [...]
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IMAGES: International Men and Gender Equality Survey
The IMAGES Serbia study addresses key issues in the field of men and gender equality, which include partner relations, the dynamics of family relationships, and the key health and social [...]
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From young to experienced father
The purpose of the guide “From young to experienced father” is to familiarize, in a simple and clear way, young men with the role, responsibility and challenges that fathers are [...]
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Program Y
he Manual for educators in high schools and youth workers “Program Y – Youth“ is a tool that was developed out of the Young Men Initiative by CARE International Balkans [...]
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This baseline study was prepared to meet the needs of the project Inclusion of Ethnic Minority Wom- en in the Labour Market, implemented by CARE International, in partnership with Women’s [...]
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Social Media and Arts Case Study
CARE International and partners from Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo and Bosnia & Herzegovina present 4 case studies of how social media and the arts were utilized to support gender transformation with [...]
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