On May 16, 2022, in the amphitheater of the Youth Center, a presentation of the results of the baseline research in high schools in Banja Luka and eight municipalities and cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well with a presentation of a new educational program to promote healthier lifestyles, nonviolence and gender equality in elementary schools entitled was organized.
The event was organized by CARE International Balkans and the local partner Institute Perpetuum mobile and it was attended by representatives of 5 ministries in the Government of Republika Srpska, i.e., Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society, Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship. In addition to a large number of ministries, the event was attended by principals, professional associates and students of primary and secondary schools, civil society organizations and members of the Be a Man Club Banja Luka.

At the very beginning of the event, the guests were addressed by the director of the Perpetuum mobile Institute Ilija Trninić and CARE project manager prof. Sasa Petkovic, PhD. In the continuation, the research results were presented by the researcher and the dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja Luka, prof. Srdjan Dusanic, PhD. After the presentation of the results, the manual “Program E” was presented – comprehensive approaches in the prevention of GBV and the promotion of healthy lifestyles through the development of life skills of students in elementary schools. The manual was presented by the reviewer doc. Tatjana Marić, PhD and author Feđa Mehmedović. Participants also had the opportunity to watch the short documentary “Dear Me: This is My Story”, followed by a panel discussion on “Examples of Best Practices and Effects of Cooperation between the Three Sectors on Promoting Healthier Youth Lifestyles and Eliminating Gender-Based and interpersonal violence ”. Participants in the panel were Dragana Pavlović, social worker of the Catering School in Banja Luka, Feđa Mehmedović, author of the manual “Program E”, Nevena Vukomanović, peer educator of the Be a Man Club Banja Luka and Mihaela Golić, president of the Student Council Network of Republika Srpska. After the event, the discussion continued in the premises of the Youth Center, where a symbolic cocktail was organized.

This activity was implemented within Young Men Initiative program which is supported by Austrian Development Agency Development Agency, through project “Future for You(th): Young people as Leaders of Life Skills Education in the Balkans”; Swiss Development Cooperation through project “Young Men Initiative (YMI): Promoting Healthier Lifestyles and Decrease of Interpersonal Violence among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes Phase III”; and Oak Foundation and CARE Germany for the project “Young People as Future Leaders for Promotion of Life Skills (YMI III)”.