The advocacy conference “It’s worth it! challenges, obstacles and opportunities for the integration of returnees and vulnerable citizens – experiences from South-East Serbia was organised yesterday in Belgrade.
The goal was to present the conditions and limitations for the successful integration of returnees and the inclusion of vulnerable categories of citizens.
The event was based on the conclusions of the series of Round Tables held in Pčinja, Jablanica, Niš, Pirot, Zaječar and Bor Districts (southeast Serbia) during the spring, with representatives of local authorities, institutions and the civil sector.

Opening remarks were given by Mr. Tomislav Žigmanov, Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue, H.E. Anke Konrad, Ambassador of Germany in Serbia and Mr. Stefan Evers, Deputy Director of CARE International Germany.
The three Conference panels were attended by representatives of the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue, the Office of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality, Commissariat for Refugees and Migration, Regional Development Agency South, representatives of local authorities, institutions and the non-governmental sector from southeastern Serbia, as well as experts involved in socio-economic support for vulnerable and marginalized populations.
The Conference was organized within the CARE project New economic opportunities for returnees and vulnerable categories of citizens in southern and eastern Serbia, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).