The Association of Roma Women “Bolja Budućnost” on 8th March in Tuzla will mark the…
The Association of Roma Women “Bolja Budućnost” with street action in Tuzla on 8 th March 2021 will mark the beginning of the Campaign Month of Roma Women’s Activism under [...]
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CARE’s regional meeting started today in Sarajevo: Promotion of Roma women rights crucial in Corona…
Within the regional project “For Active Inclusion and Rights of Roma women in the Western Balkans“ and thanks to the financial support of the Austrian Development Cooperation, Care International Balkans [...]
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Round table in Bijeljina: CARE and ADA strongly support social entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina 
In order to promote the benefits of social entrepreneurship for the development of the local community, Association „Otaharin“ has organized a round table “Joint Responsibility for the Community Welfare” on 15th February at [...]
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New CARE case study capturing COVID 19 response on Young Men Initiative Project Released
The ongoing outbreak of COVID-19 has had a major influence on one of the CAREs longest project implemented in the Balkans – Young Men Initiative (YMI). The YMI targets youth [...]
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CARE International Balkans: Unconditional support to all women who have bravely decided to report sexual…
CARE International Balkans expresses  its unconditional support to all women who have bravely decided to report sexual harassment and abuse and thus point to  the  problems deeply rooted in our societies. Everyone [...]
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Enhanced social protection by building capacities of the civil society organizations (CSOs) in Bosnia and…
The brochure “Enhanced social protection by building capacities of the civil society organizations (CSOs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina” was created within the project of the same name, funded by the [...]
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25 Years of CARE in the Balkans
The whole team of CARE Internaonal in the Balkans, all protagonists of this storybook and our partner organizaons for sharing their stories and hosng the editorial team. To Felix Wolff [...]
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Women’s Economic Empowerment CARE International Balkans
How were women’s cooperatives established in BiH? Stories about development, strengthening and linking with the market of more than 1000 unemployed women in BiH.
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Women s Economic Empowerment CARE International Balkans
According to the data of the Employment Agency, in 2017, over 49.570 Montenegro men and women have been registered as unemployed, which is 12% of total work capable population. Unemployment [...]
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