Two-day training on business plan development concerning the grant scheme for start-up of agricultural businesses of women from rural areas, with 25 participants, is held in Pristina, at hotel Sirius on 26th and 27th of October within the project “Inclusion of Women in Kosovo Agrobusiness – IWKA”.
Women have applied to strengthen their existing businesses as well as start-up businesses in the field of agriculture. Economic empowerment of women is key to economic growth and poverty reduction, but it also affects the overall prosperity of the country.

The project “Inclusion of Women in Kosovo Agrobusiness – IWKA” is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Economic Development (BMZ) through Engagement Global GgmbH, and implemented by CARE International and local partner organizations: Kosovo-Women 4 Women (K-W4W) and the Civil Right Program Kosovo (CRPK).